We use Sketch Up 3d Modeling Software developed by Google. This method allows us to design and build an actual model of the building at full scale in Cyberland. It also allows us to Geolocate the building on Google earth and ray cast all of the shadows and light into and onto the building envelope. This is critical in Florida’s climate where a misplaced window or outside living area can be rendered unless with heat in Summer.
Because we design and model in 3D, clients get walk through and fly by animations of the design. We can walk you in and around your home and show you the sun coming in a window on your mom's birthday at 10 AM if you want. All before we pick up the hammer for the first time. For this reason our Clients get more involved and it is typical for us to tune up the design a dozen times, or more because Clients can see so much more than with schematic plans end elevations. As we refine the model, we can add interior finishes and study different options for the interior design of the spaces. It is so easy too, we provide you a link to download MP4 files and you and your colleagues can watch on any mobile or desktop device anywhere. .
It’s even possible to photograph the context and import those adjacent buildings or landscapes into the model so when you're on a building tour you can see the outside through the windows.
I like to take our time with the modeling process as it’s the really fun part of the project. Models are refined like a violin and made to suit your needs like a glove. You’ll see in the model all your needs and desires. When you're completely happy, we freeze the Model and we use it to create the Permit Drawings.
3D Modeling provides for superior communication between Architect and Client. Kyle Jensen Architect works hard to turn your dreams into reality. When you come to us with ideas for home renovations, new residential construction projects, additions, or commercial building ideas, he will take those concepts and start turning them into substance. 3D modeling brings your vision to life. It takes ideas and turns them into a virtual reality where you can actually see what your final product might look like after it’s finished. Call today to set up an appointment and learn more about Kyle Jensen’s 3D modeling.